The Chinese American Professors Association in Connecticut (CAPA-CT) was established on March 22, 2014, at Yale University. As one of the earliest non-profit organizations dedicated to serving Chinese and Chinese-descent faculty across the state’s higher education institutions, CAPA-CT plays a pivotal role. Our members represent 33 universities and research institutions where over a thousand Chinese Americans pursue their academic and professional careers.

Statement of Purpose:

Empowering Connections, Cultivating Excellence: CAPA CT is dedicated to uniting and supporting individuals of Chinese descent within Connecticut's higher education community. Our mission is to foster meaningful interactions and mutual support among our members while advancing professional development opportunities for faculty and students of Chinese heritage. Through cultural exchange initiatives, we aim to deepen understanding between Chinese professionals and other ethnic groups, promoting harmony and inclusivity. Additionally, we facilitate collaborative engagements between institutions and communities within Connecticut and Asian scholars worldwide, fostering global partnerships. By offering dynamic forums for cultural, scientific, and interdisciplinary discourse, we enrich our members' experiences and contribute to broader societal advancement.

美国康州华人教授协会 (CAPA-CT)于2014年3月22日在耶鲁大学成立,是最早以美国行政州为单位、以高校教职为主的非营利社会团体之一。CAPA-CT面向康州33所大学和其他机构超过一千名从事教学及科研工作的华人教授和学者。

CAPA-CT 致力于团结和支持高等教育界的华裔,凝聚华人的资源和力量, 加强教职人员之间乃至推动中美之间的学术交流与合作。与此同时,通过文化交流活动和跨学科论坛,CAPA-CT旨在加深华人专业人士与其他族裔群体之间的了解,促进和谐与包容,增进与州内直属机构和社区,以及与世界各地高校、科研机构和学者之间的合作,开拓社区和国际化伙伴关系。